St John's College, University of Oxford
Abbo, Monk of St. Germain, approximately 850–approximately 923
Abbo, Monk of St. Germain, approximately 850–approximately 923
<a href="https://medieval.bodl ...... cripts in Oxford Libraries</a>
'De raris fabulis redactata'
<span><a href="https://digital ...... on Digital Bodleian</a></span>
Redaction of Ælfric of Eynsham’s colloquy
(1) Ælfric of Eynsham, Grammar ...... :1–53 only) (fols. 221v–222r).
Ælfric and Ælfric Bata, Grammatical texts
Western Medieval Manuscripts
208 × 160 mm (size of leaf).
English, Old (ca. 450-1100)
MS 154 was produced in England ...... tin in a vernacular language).
Ralph Hanna, A Descriptive Cat ...... xford University Press, 2002).
ff. ii + 222 + ii (numbered iii–iv).