Data story: Metric values

The following query selects the objects that are of type VisualArtwork; A work of art that is primarily visual in character (
For an object to contain information on where it was created, the object needs to be a visual art work.

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.

Objects that are of type visual art work

In total there are 224 objects of type VisualArtwork

This query searches for distinct objects that are of type VisualArtwork and that have a value for the sdo:locationCreated property with a name. This property is used to specify the name of the location where the object was created. Out of the 224 visual artwork objects, there are 141 objects with a value for locationCreated.

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.

objects with a locationCreated property and their corresponding locations

The following query first selects objects that are of type sdo:VisualArtwork. Then, FILTER NOT EXISTS selects objects that have no value for the sdo:locationCreated property. If an object is of type VisualArtwork and has no value for the locationCreated property, the object will be included in the results.

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.

objects with no information on locationCreated property

The origin locations of the objects are linked to geonames. Geonames contains information on the population sizes. The following query shows the population sizes of the locations where the object was created.

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.

Population sizes

As previously mentioned, the objects are linked to Geonames, which also provides information on the area in square kilometers. The query below displays the 20 objects with the largest origin locations in terms of square kilometers.

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.

Area in squared kilometres

The following objects have two distinct locations on where the object is created:

Could not show query result, the SPARQL endpoint is not accessible.
Could not show query result, the dataset is not accessible.

Distance to the root